Day 271 – First Day of Preschool

Today was my first day in the new position with Centurylink. As I kind of expected and also hoped, it wasn’t too crazy of a day. I still have to get login credentials and all of that good stuff so today was just kind of watching over somebody’s shoulder. Back at it again bright and early tomorrow.

The bigger thing that is happening tomorrow though, and I’m super nervous about it, is Ricky’s first day of preschool. I have mixed emotions about the whole thing. For one, it’s mind blowing how big he is getting, and the people who say time flies by are exactly right. I just don’t know if I’m ready to see him beginning school type things. With that, I’m super excited he’s going to get an opportunity to hangout with kids his own size, learn some things and just get some time away from the parents. I hope he does great, but I’m also hoping he doesn’t have any meltdowns.

Jen is at work until probably about 9:15pm so I am hanging with the kiddos. I’ll probably try and get them to bed at a decent time, especially Ricky since he will have to get up early tomorrow. I REALLY wish I could see how he does, but it’s also better both Jen and I aren’t there as he may not want us to leave. Or, which would probably happen, he’d be like, “get out of here mom and dad.”

Not much else going on besides that. I’m tired, and going to work on getting the kids ready for bed and to take it easy a little bit. I hope you all had a great Monday, and it’s nice to actually have a Monday and get to say TGIF and mean it haha.

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