Day 197 – The Interview…..

So I if you read my last blog, then you probably saw that I was a little nervous for the interview I had today for another position with the company. I was most of all stressed about the “30 minutes” technical test I was going to be given. Well folks, for better or for worse, the interview didn’t even last like 30 minutes.

I went in to a majorly nervous, but once you sit down it kind of all disappears because you have to react and answer questions and what not. I actually think I did fairly well, and even the manager told me that the technical questions were not really much to dwell on as it’s to see where I am. Most of the position is customer service based so I definitely spent some time discussing my skills in that, which I do think I’m pretty stellar on.

By the time the interview was over, they had either highly over-estimated how long the interview would take, they liked me so much that no further questions were needed, or my biggest fear, they early on realized I was not a good fit for the position and really just wrapped up early. Here’s the thing, if I wasn’t already working there, then I would probably be more concerned. It’s not like I’m trying to get away from a different company to come there. I was already with the company and not getting the spot mean I just continue my normal day-to-day routine.

I’m hoping for the best, and I’m not sure when I’ll hear back, but I do think I at least did ok and the only thing that may have held me back was my overall technical knowledge.

After the interview I came home and hung with the family. Jen ran to the store to get a few things and to pick up the birthday invitations for Amelia’s birthday next month so I hangout with the kids at home and got the dishes knocked out. The living room is still in pretty brutal condition, but sometimes I feel like the dishes are the biggest challenge.

The kids are now in bed and I think I may throw on my headphones and either clean up the basement/desk area or play some PS4. Probably the first option will be the winner. I really want to get it organized and more in to an office than a playroom. There are just so many toys down there that this may not be possible until a major garage sale.

I hope everyone had a great Thursday, and for me it’s back to the grind of work tomorrow. Enjoy your Friday folks!

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